People from around the world including Nepal have an obsession with fantasies and superhero movies. We all love, praise, and admire our Marvel and Dc's superheroes. But have you ever given a thought about Nepali superheroes? Well, we do have one! Yes, SOURYA is our only Nepali Superhero from the movie "Sourya- The Rise of Hero".

Anoop Bikram Shahi as Sourya
Source: Highlights Nepal

General Overview

This movie is set around the historic time of Prithivi Narayan Shah when he was gifted with a 'Dibya Talvar' by Guru Gorkhnath as a blessing during the unification period. The sword was used in war by Prithivi Narayan Shah's bravest 'senapati' Kehar Singh (Rajesh Hamal) who with his bravery was able to stop Mughal rulers from invading Nepal. It was later declared by the king that the power of the sword would rise again when someone as brave as Kehar Singh would be born on this earth.

The movie comes back to the present time where Gourav (Anoop Bikram Shahi), one of the two children who visit the museum to the see same sword is psychologically affected. Years later, one of his homie Ajit (Saugat Malla) catches an evil eye on the sword for power. Coincidentally, the 'nakshatra' (lunar mansion/starsign) of Ajit, Gourav, and Kehar Singh happens to be the same. On a certain day of astrological importance, if the moonlight is showered on the sword, the sword would regain its power. Gourav disguises himself with a mask as Sourya to protect the earth from evil.


First of all, let us admit that we all are used to a certain cinematic standard of the fantasy set by foreign war movies. In terms of visuals, actions, music scores, attires, and emotions, we have certain expectations. But, we must admit that back then we did not have enough resources. Consequently, the props used in the movie are convincing at all.VFX effects were also so poorly executed.

rajesh hamal war
Source: Highlights Nepal

However, the concept and story of the movie is not bad. The historical, scientific, and astrological elements make the movies watchable. Saugat Malla as always has been the best performer by showcasing his ability to portray a character so naturally. Anoop Bikram Shahi has also put all of his effort into that character. He is one of the best and underrated actors of Nepal. The movie was directed by Markanday Dipbim Basnet and was released in 2013.

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You can watch the full movie Sourya on Highlight Nepal's Youtube Channel: 

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